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A model from scratch

An empty model is a valid model:

$ revng model opt /dev/null -verify -Y

Let's get started and try to decompile a very simple program.

$ printf '\x48\x01\xf7\x48\x89\xf8\xc3\x90' > sum

If you disassemble it as raw bytes you get the following:

$ objdump -D -Mintel,x86-64 -b binary -m i386:x86-64 sum

sum:     file format binary

Disassembly of section .data:

0000000000000000 <.data>:
   0: 48 01 f7              add    rdi,rsi
   3: 48 89 f8              mov    rax,rdi
   6: c3                    ret
   7: 90                    nop

Note that this file contains raw x86-64 instructions, it's not a valid program (e.g., an ELF).

Let's now create a simple model that enables us to decompile this simple function.

Step 1: Loading#

The first thing needs to know is the architecture and the ABI of the program:

Architecture: x86_64
DefaultABI: SystemV_x86_64

::: tip

You can check out the [model reference](../../reference/ to see what each field exactly means.

Then, we need to describe how to load the program. Let's pretend we want to load this code at address 0x400000. We can do this by introducing a new Segment:

  - StartAddress: "0x400000:Generic64"
    VirtualSize: 7
    StartOffset: 0
    FileSize: 7
    IsReadable: true
    IsWriteable: false
    IsExecutable: true

The piece of model above tells to take 7 bytes from the file and load them at address 0x400000 as +rx data (i.e., code).

Step 2: Function list#

Most parts of work on a function basis (e.g., we decompile one function at a time). Let's create an entry in the functions list:

  - Entry: "0x400000:Code_x86_64"

At a minimum, a function is identified by its entry MetaAddress. Note how here the type of the MetaAddress is not Generic64 but Code_x86_64, to indicate the type of code we can expect in the function.

Step 3: Disassembly#

At this point, we provided enough information to be able to show us the disassembly of our program. Let's produce the disassemble artifact using revng-artifact.

$ revng artifact disassemble sum --model model.yml | revng ptml
0x400000:Code_x86_64.asm.tar.gz: |-
    400000:    48 01 f7    add rdi, rsi
    400003:    48 89 f8    mov rax, rdi
    400006:    c3          ret

The output of the revng artifact disassemble command is a tar.gz composed by one file for each input function. Each file is an assembly listing decorated using PTML.
revng ptml strips away all this details and outputs a YAML dictionary with one entry for each disassembled function.

For further information on the file types emitted by revng artifact, see the MIME types documentation.

Step 4: Defining a function prototype#

In order to decompile the function, we need to provide a function prototype.

By looking at the code above, we can see that the registers rdi and rsi are read at the entry of the function and the result of the computation is stored in rax: this function very much looks like a function taking two arguments and returning an integer in the x86-64 SystemV ABI!

Let's create such prototype then.

Specifically, we want to define the prototype for something that in C would look like the following:

uint64_t sum(uint64_t rdi, uint64_t rsi);
In the model type system, it looks like this:

  - Kind: CABIFunctionDefinition
    ABI: SystemV_x86_64
    ID: 0
      - Index: 0
          Kind: PrimitiveType
          PrimitiveKind: Unsigned
          Size: 8
      - Index: 1
          Kind: PrimitiveType
          PrimitiveKind: Unsigned
          Size: 8
      Kind: PrimitiveType
      PrimitiveKind: Unsigned
      Size: 8

OK, there's a lot here. Let's go through it line by line:

  • TypeDefinitions: begin the part of the model containing type information;
  • Kind: CABIFunctionDefinition: we're defining a type, specifically a C prototype associated to an ABI;
  • ABI: SystemV_x86_64: the chosen ABI is the x86-64 SystemV one;
  • ID: ...: a unique identifier. Every type definition must have one. Our tools usually use progressive ones, but that's not necessary: as long as there are no collisions, any integer works.
  • Arguments: we have two arguments (index 0 and index 1):
  • Type: the type of an argument:
    • Kind: PrimitiveType: the "kind" of a type. Supported values include primitives, pointers, arrays and defined types;
    • PrimitiveKind: Unsigned: the "kind" of a primitive type (like signed, unsigned, float, and so on);
    • Size: 8: the size of a primitive type;
  • ReturnType: similar to an argument's size;

At this point, we can associate the function prototype with the previously defined function:

--- a/model.yml
+++ b/model.yml
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
     IsExecutable: true
   - Entry: "0x400000:Code_x86_64"
+    Prototype:
+      Kind: DefinedType
+      Definition: "/TypeDefinitions/0-CABIFunctionDefinition"
   - Kind: CABIFunctionDefinition
     ABI: SystemV_x86_64

Basically, this specifies that the function type we created above is the prototype of this function.

Step 5: Decompiling#

At this point, we have all the information we need to successfully decompile our example program. To do so, we can ask to produce the decompile artifact:

$ revng artifact decompile sum --model model.yml | revng ptml
  uint64_t function_0x400000_Code_x86_64(uint64_t unnamed_arg_0, uint64_t unnamed_arg_1) {
      return unnamed_arg_0 + unnamed_arg_1;

Step 6: Renaming#

One of the main activities of a reverse engineer is giving things a name, just like Adam in the Genesis.
Let's try to give a name to our function:

--- a/model.yml
+++ b/model.yml
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ Segments:
   - Entry: "0x400000:Code_x86_64"
       Kind: DefinedType
       Definition: "/TypeDefinitions/0-CABIFunctionDefinition"
+    CustomName: Sum
   - Kind: CABIFunctionDefinition
     ABI: SystemV_x86_64

Almost everything in the model can have a name. Let's add a name to the function arguments:

--- a/model.yml
+++ b/model.yml
@@ -119,18 +120,20 @@ TypeDefinitions:
   - Kind: CABIFunctionDefinition
     ABI: SystemV_x86_64
     ID: 0
       - Index: 0
           Kind: PrimitiveType
           PrimitiveKind: Unsigned
           Size: 8
+        CustomName: FirstAddend
       - Index: 1
           Kind: PrimitiveType
           PrimitiveKind: Unsigned
           Size: 8
+        CustomName: SecondAddend
       Kind: PrimitiveType
       PrimitiveKind: Unsigned
       Size: 8

Here's what we get now if we try to decompile again:

$ revng artifact decompile sum --model model.yml | revng ptml
0x400000:Code_x86_64.c.ptml: |-
  uint64_t Sum(uint64_t FirstAddend, uint64_t SecondAddend) {
    return FirstAddend + SecondAddend;