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revng-common - A collection of common option to revng commands.


revng * [options] COMMAND_NAME


This page documents some options common to all revng CLI commands.


--resume [PATH] : Use PATH as the resume directory. This option is critical if you want run multiple commands preserving the state from previous runs. For instance, if you want to run an analysis and then produce an artifact you can do:

revng analyze --resume my-project-directory/ import-binary /usr/bin/hostname -o /dev/null
revng artifact --resume my-project-directory/ emit-model-header /usr/bin/hostname

PATH will contain the model and all the intermediate files produced by the various steps.

By default, the command will create a temporary --resume directory and remove it after termination.

--model PATH : Replace the current model with the model from PATH before running the command.

--debug-log LOGGER_NAME : Enable the logger LOGGER_NAME. --help will list all the available loggers.

--save-model [PATH] : Run the command and then dump the resulting model to PATH.


An example usage of --resume to run the import-binary analysis and then produce the emit-model-header artifact:

revng analyze --resume project-dir/ import-binary /usr/bin/hostname
revng artifact --resume project-dir/ emit-model-header /usr/bin/hostname

Run commands using mymodel.yml instead of --resume:

revng analyze import-binary /usr/bin/hostname --save-model mymodel.yml
revng artifact --model mymodel.yml emit-model-header /usr/bin/hostname

Note: it is preferable to use --resume.


revng-artifact, revng-analyze